I shoot over a dozen different gun on a regular basis. About half of them are near my normal fitted dimensions half are not. I can pick up just about any gun and have very good results for a round or two of clay targets or a few live birds. But a gun that does not fit me well will start to become harder to shoot well the more I shoot after that. Many others have similar results. Just pick up any gun for sale and you will shoot it well until you buy it and get it home.

I have had several fittings over the years. Gain fifty pounds or loose fifty pounds or age 30 years and you better get refit. Funny thing is that most were almost what I was shooting with only minor adjustments. If you watch the target and see how it breaks you can figure out most of what you need to know and make your own adjustments. Experts can tweak but if you can not get within 90-95 they will not be the answer. It is the Indian more than the arrow.

You can get free shooting advice on any skeet squad. Four "experts" will tell you that you were over, under, behind or in front of every missed target. And the best thing is that one of them is exactly right. You just have to figure out which one.