The Gun Trade is a trade, like any other.

I personally lament the demise of what was but I'm very pleased there are still some talented and industrious people involved in traditional gunmaking in the UK. It is interesting and healthy to see new technology being used with the aim of producing traditional quality.

William Evans and William Powell, J Roberts and a of of others now sell models made largely on the Continent. Well, a hundred and thirty years ago people were moaning that some gunmakers sold guns made in Birmingham and were passing them off as 'London guns'.

As long as you know what you are looking at it just becomes an informed choice of what you consider good value for money.

Companies move production off shore because it makes economic sense to do so. The gun industry is certainly not unique in that sense.

Modern Turkish Webley guns do nothing for me, but perhaps they have a place. Times change. The Mini no longer looks like it did when I was a kid, and now it is owned by Germans.

Rigby was sold to overseas owners, who used the name to sell an inferior product from that on which the reputation was built. But it is their business, they can do what they like.

We just have to get used to looking at who is doing what NOW, never mind in the past. Manton used to be the best, now the name is a shell company doing nothing. David McKay Brown came from nowhere and is now established as a best gunmaker, William Powell used to make guns in Birmingham, now they badge imports.

Businesses change. We just need to keep an eye on these movements.