Originally Posted By: jack maloney
Not this bill, JM, lots of gun control bills. Quoting from this site: http://www.saf.org/LawReviews/Vizzard3.htm
Note that it took two years of staff study for Dodd's first GC bill - and you think he wrote one up and whipped it through in 3 months?

How long it took to for staff to study one bill has absolutely NOTHING to do with any other bill. If GCA'68 had the same provisions as the other than it would be a valid point. However, it does not, they have completely different provisions. They are not the same so there is no valid comparison.

You suggest that the law was written prior to the letter. Fine, let's make that assumption. Is it your opinion that laws are NOT amended, rewritten, or revised througout the lesilative process? Of course they are. Could Dodd have proposed revising the proposed law? Of course he could. If you have any documented proof that the law was written ahead of time with these provisions that are similar to NLW'38, then I'm all ears. Otherwise it's nothing more than your unsubstantiated opinion which is not a metaphysical fact.

Originally Posted By: jack maloney
I think I have answered that [question about Dingle] sufficiently.

No you evaded answering my question about why Dingle compared the GAC'68 to NLW'38.

You stated "Probably because Rep. John Dingell, in a hearing before Dodd's committee, compared the proposed legislation to the 1938 Nazi law! If you were accused of copying something, wouldn't you want to check it out? Do you really imagine that on such a controversial topic, Dodd could read a document in mid-July, draw up a "near verbatim copy" and make it a law by October?"

That answers nothing about why Dingle mentioned the laws were alike. You only talked about why Sen. Tydings attacked Dingle. Nice try. Now for the third time: Why did Dingle compare GCA'68 to NLW'38?

Originally Posted By: jack maloney
Could you fill us in by comparing 'near verbatim' sections?

Certainly, I will not however, type out both laws for you since you claim to have read these. In NWL'38 Section II Manufacture of Firearms and Ammunition requires a license for those who want to manufacture firearms and ammunition as does section 923 Licensing of GCA'68. I also mentioned specific points where these two laws are alike in one of my earlier posts.

Now it's your turn to pick some sections from both laws for us to discuss.

Last edited by JM; 02/28/07 06:26 PM.