Sorry for the confusion. I use a "Rock Tumbler" with the cermaic rods/sticks inside the tumbler with the cases and water and Lemi Shine. [About a table spoon full]
As the songs says ... it goes round and round. To see what if anything was happining, after 6 hours I checked and found about 98% clean as new cases. So I drained the water off and re-loaded the tumbler as before and went to bed. 9 hous later when I got around to checking again. The cases were as clean as new un-fired cases.
As this was my 1st attempt trying this "mix/methoid", I had no idea if more or less Lemi Shine would work and or do anything one way or the other.
For me, after trying for many years to figure out as easy way as possible to get the fired brass case clean after firing BP in them, this works very well for me and seems to be very easy. I hate reloading and putting black dirty cases in a chamber of my rifles or reloading dies. Perhaps they would not hurt anything and others may not mind at all how their cases look.