Krakow Kid:

Yes, only 8 cases, as that is all I shot for a 1st test of a newly aquired rife.
And as it was the 1st time I had used Lemi Shine, I had no idea if it would even do ANYTHING to the cases or may have even DESTROYED them. At the cost of brass 12 ga. cases, I felt that until I knew what if anything was going to happen, 8 would be enought for me to try for the 1st attempt.

As for "extreme", they may not have needed 6 hours if more Lemi Shine was used. That was just the amount of time that I waited to check them. And as they were not yet to MY STANDARD of clean, I changed the soulition out and ran them the rest of the night. Again, maybe 1 or 3 hours would have accomplished the same thing and or results been the same.

Having some experience shooting a lot of brass cases with BP, in the past, mainly .45-70, .40-65, .450 x 3 1/4" and .500 x 3" and doing 50 to 100 cases at a time, more Lemi Shine may be needed and for a longer time period. This I do not know yet.

So I only reported what I knew and experienced first hand after this first attempt at finding an easy of a way to clean BP fired cases. For someone who may be looking for what seems to me, as an easy of a way to clean them.

If someone has a better/faster way that works for them, GREAT, and what I obsurved may not be a methoid that they would wish to change to. That is fine with me. There are many ways to "skin a cat".

But letting cases get cleaned while I sleep, does seem to me to be rather of a easy way to get the job done.
