Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: Vern
For storage, be it short or long term, after a thorough cleaning I reassemble the shotgun (SxS), insert snap caps into the chambers and pull the triggers. Then I remove the forend and take off the barrels (removing the snap caps) then putting the shotgun into it's fitted case. Am I doing this properly?? Thank you all for your opinions and advice.


Unless your gun cocks on opening. In that case a horn block was used to strike the hammers on after the barrels were removed.

I agree...snap caps are not needed here, not even a horn block. For years, I have used a wooden or plastic screw driver handle pressed against the breech face, then I reassemble and store the gun with springs relieved. No big issue about cocking; this is done when I open the gun again (which I don't until I'm going out to shoot it).