My Simson BLE will not go back together if the triggers are pulled while disassembled, b/c of the cocking hooks. Also, opening the gun after pulling the triggers recocks the hammersprings, defeating the purpose of the exercise. Re-cocking the hooks is a beast of a job, requiring a screwdriver to push them to the cocked position. If the driver slips, it's a great way to wickedly cut one's finger - the ends of the hooks are beastly sharp. I know. I did it once and it took a month to heal.

I think storing the gun assembled with snap caps in and triggers pulled is probably "best", if dropping the hammers to relax the springs is your intent. For this purpose I would advise in favor of plastic snap caps (and definitely not old shells as snap caps) so as to avoid even the possibility of a reaction between aluminum caps and steel barrels (aluminum and steel will set up an electrolytic reaction if there's any moisture) or, worse, steel on steel possibly rusting together if there's any moisture.

fiery, dependable, occasionally transcendent