I want desparately to share it with you ...but I can't because you twisted it out of context while asking at the same time...this is no personal vendetta...this is about truth, too bad you find it so "tiresome"

Truth isn't something for the few...truth is for everyone, even "ribbon clerks" like me.

Look...I taught you guys more about Emil Flues in one link than all the articles and books ever written about Ithaca. But thank you for minimalizing it to "tiresome".

Think about it...if I just laid it all out for everyone to see, once learned, I would be burned at the stake yet again for perhaps something as small as a misspelled word (Larry Brown). You were there...

The BBS "bum scoop mill" is making up major fabrications to designed to purposely mislead other researchers. The fact that you don't find THAT tiresome, speaks volumes about your respect for truth and transparency.

Think I'm bluffing? Get someone truthful (like Drew) to email me, and Ill send some photos to him for examination, but I want the great pontificators to show their cards before I post photos here.