My apologies canvasback...I'm shell shocked whenever I post here...In years past I had to call the police to stop the 2am phone calls screaming racial slurs for asking an Emil Flues probably won't believe me, but years ago I was nearly tarred and feathered for telling some kid that LLH on his Ithaca Flues model meant the tubes were imported from a Belgian manufacturer L Lochet Hebran. Someone else with that mark said "you tryin to say my American made Ithaca has furrin barrels?" I didn't understand that he was asking me like those was fightin words. So I continued to say oh yeah most all US doubles had European tubes...I was probably being a smart mouth by saying stuff like "what did you think Krupp on your barrels meant? Well all hell broke loose... and I got roasted...

Now, of course, it's common knowledge but I foolishly thought so back then. There were several other goose piles back then but then the chemistry began changing. I posted about the difference between the Remington boxlocks and the improved Remington boxlocks. The info was initially met with skepticism and eventually played out to everyones benifit. We all understand the model 1894 a little better now. But out of nowhere I got goose piled for something unknown. Eventually I needled out of the expert, what had negated my entire post(s) was a misspelled word.

Most of these guys learned more about Flues and Loy in 2 posts than all books and magazines published. That's why I couldn't understand your perspective. Basing my responses in past experience, this is how I must do things in order to keep from being goose piled. You saw how some of these guys responded... to them, Loy and Flues, both considered American masters, were just a couple of flying turnips. Persons who stuff threads with "comments" while knowing nothing of the subject being discussed are essentially jamming the thread. This is a very effective strategy adopted by "trolls" worldwide. What I can't understand is why the bum scoop mills never get jammed with "comments".

I haven't told you the half of it...please forgive me, I'm so beyond shell shocked...and I apologize

Last edited by Robert Chambers; 08/16/12 02:32 PM.