
I'm going into it with eyes wide open and no presuppositions. I've been wanting a clean, original, affordable 32" G grade heavy duck gun to go with my H grade 16 upland gun, and I just couldn't pass it up as you mentioned. Clean, affordable 32" G's seem as rare as hen's teeth. Even so, if it was a 12, I would have gone for it as well. I noticed the plate mounted sears also, but how can you tell if it's a two hook? All I've ever seen are single hook guns. The serial # puts it in the 1893 range +/-, which is the earliest Lefever I've owned so far.

I like the fact that a 10 is a bit different, and as capable a gun as any sane person needs. It will be fun to be laying in my little layout boat, ready to defend myself from the evil attacking ducks with as classic a duck gun as there is. And if I finally go on that guided goose hunt of my dreams, I'll be ready smile

Last edited by Mark Larson; 08/16/12 07:33 PM.