Last year, together with the other two founder members of the Perrins Owners Club, we were invited to go up to Windsor Castle and see the gun they have in their collection by Thomas Perrins, which was owned by Prince Albert. Simon Metcalf the Queens Armour and responsible for the collection of weapons and armour took us round and showed us many of the guns Prince Albert owned by many makers. He was an enthusiastic hunter and it was all too much to take in with the couple of hours available to us.
Simon had kindly dismantled the double percussion 16 bore which was No.2, of at least a pair. While the No.1 is missing the one they have has seen a good deal of work but is still in very good condition. The inside of the locks were as good as the day they were made.
We were privileged to be shown many of Alberts guns which are not on public display and we thank Simon for the effort he went to on our behalf.
If you ever get the chance to visit Windsor it is well worth it. The guns are fantastic, there is a wonderful display of armour and you can see the musket ball which killed Nelson.