Brer Rabbit not gettin stuck in this tar baby but to Ted: The aminals are admittedly a bit outliny on some "later" Flues guns (1918 onward). Strange to say, I was looking at a "later style" Fox XE (the back end of it anyway) and on the bottom of the action is the worst cartoon dog/badger/bear? you could ever hope for but it's always the Parkers and Smiths and Ithacas than take the heat for flying turnips and dog cartoons. I don't punch my initials into any of em because they're what was available to be put on a gun for a price by US. Extremes can be tedious. I couldn't pay for a bulino hologram on a gun action and lucky for me don't want one. And some of stiffest, deadest, taxidermy engraving I've ever seen was on the receivers of model 12s. Somehow that stuff has street value. If there's a cutter I admire, it would be Ken Hurst but I'm not in the commissioning class so's I got to make do. As for the paranoiac, nothing I'm wanting and nothing I'm taking.
