I know virtually all here either work for a living or are retired from a job, but I wonder if it is a requirement to produce some form of I.D. to collect welfare or food stamps.

I ask this because of some recent court decisions over voter I.D. laws where the judges determined that it would create a burden or disenfranchise poor folk to ask them to produce a drivers license or Government issued I.D. at the polls.

Fortunately, judges in some states realize that we are routinely asked for I.D. to buy alcohol, cigarettes, prescriptions, or to cash or use a personal check. Students in college are often asked for I.D. to prevent someone else from taking a test in their place. I must produce my drivers license in order to buy a hunting or fishing license, or to transfer a firearm through an FFL. There is no good reason to not protect the integrity of voting and asking for proper I.D. to prevent voter fraud. Is it a violation of my civil rights and the Second Amendment to be asked for I.D. in order to buy a gun?

So back to my original question. Can it really be possible for these same poor folk to collect welfare and food stamp benefits fraudulently under multiple names or in multiple locations by not having the requirement to produce I.D.?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.