Talked to some nurses last night and they said some of the doctors say they are retiring or going into something else with all the new paper work coming up.Plumbers are doing ok and car mechanics are busy too. I know people in these fields and there is work but the new laws for employers are worrisome.I have been a part time antique dealer for many years and prices have dropped on a lot of the middle and lower tier items. The very best items are still bringing record prices so that shows the rich are still doing well,at least the ones buying the big buck items.I don't deal in the high end and now is the time to buy the lower grade items as they often go for 1/2 of what they were bringing 10 years ago. I mostly deal in arts and crafts items and books.I sell gun parts,tackle and other stuff on ebay. Stuff I find at garage and estate sales.I am sorely tempted to sell off my decoys that I collected 50+ years ago as they are really doing well if in original paint.