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keith Offline OP
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From the Dept. of Pesky Facts: circa 7 yrs. ago... "if we drill in ANWAR and off the coast of California, it would take 6-7 years for that oil to get to market." So sayeth the liberals who did everything they could to derail and discredit Bush.

Well guess what? It's 6-7 years later and we didn't drill and were still sending billions to Arab regimes who hate us. We're still propping up Arab dictators and helping Arab countries finance terrorism and threaten Israel. Nor did Obama do anything to rein in manipulation of oil prices by traders at Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Lehman Bros., et al. No, instead he handed these Wall Street cronies billions in TARP money. No strings attached. No requirement that it be used to jump start the sick economy. More taxpayer funded payola in return for campaign contributions.

As a result, in addition to spending too much for energy, and spending it in the wrong place, we have the added cost of paying for our military to maintain some semblence of stability in the middle east. Thanks to Obama's response to the so-called Arab Spring, and his bowing down and apologizing to Arab regimes, and his lame response to Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons, all of this may blow up in our faces. If Mitt Romney is lucky enough to inherit this mess, he will be roundly criticized by the Libs for getting us into another blood-for-oil war. They will never admit that it was their stupidity that put us in that position.

Doug, thanks for giving details on how the Democrats are really the ones responsible for the crash of 2008. Notice how Gnomoron and his liberal minions avoid even acknowledging any of that. The game plan is to just let the facts slip into the past and go back to blaming Bush. They have no shame.

Hopefully, folks here will help spread the word and counter the Big Lie. Now instead of letting Obama spike the ball for the no-brainer decision to take out Osama bin Ladin, maybe we should also remind folks that it was Bill Clinton who refused to take bin Ladin out in 1998. That little faux pas cost us thousands of lives, tens of thousands of injured soldiers, and trillions of dollars.

Bush's fault?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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Originally Posted By: keith

Doug, thanks for giving details on how the Democrats are really the ones responsible for the crash of 2008. Notice how Gnomoron and his liberal minions avoid even acknowledging any of that. The game plan is to just let the facts slip into the past and go back to blaming Bush. They have no shame.

Hopefully, folks here will help spread the word and counter the Big Lie. Now instead of letting Obama spike the ball for the no-brainer decision to take out Osama bin Ladin, maybe we should also remind folks that it was Bill Clinton who refused to take bin Ladin out in 1998. That little faux pas cost us thousands of lives, tens of thousands of injured soldiers, and trillions of dollars.

Bush's fault?

"No Man has a good enough memory to be a successful lier" -----Abraham Lincoln

The White House and Congress want to expand a 30-year old law--the Community Reinvestment Act--that helped fuel the mortgage meltdown..., What CRA does in effect, is compel banks to seek the permission of community activists to get regulatory approval for bank expansions and mergers. Often this means striking a deal with activist groups such as ACORN or Unions like the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and agreeing to allocate credit to poor and minority areas that are under served.

In short, the CRA encourages banks to make loans they would not ordinarily make. What's more, these agreements often require that banks "offer No Money Down" mortgages and remove caps on how much debt a borrower can take on. All of this is done in the name of "FINANCIAL DEMOCRACY".

There really isn't any question of which approach is factually correct: right on the front page of the Times edition of December 21 is a chart that shows growth of home ownership in the United States since 1990. In 1993 it was 63 percent; by the end of the Clinton administration is was 68 percent. The growth in the Bush administration was about 1 percent. The Times itself reported in 1999 that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were under pressure from the Clinton administration to INCREASE lending to minorities and low-income buyers --a policy that necessarily entailed higher risk. Can there really be a question, other than in the fevered imagination of the Times, WHERE THE PUSH TO REDUCE STANDARDS AND INCREASE HOME OWNERSHIP CAME FROM...???

Therefore CLINTON'S REPEAL OF THE "GLASS-STEAGALL ACT OF 1933" on November 12, 1999.

**Clinton also allowed queers TO STAY in the military FOR THE FIRST TIME with his "don't ask don't tell" B.S., prior to Clinton and this failed Dem social adjusting attempt, queers were given Medical Discharges and turned out ASAP.....

**As Keith mentioned, Clinton allowed Bin Laden to leave the TERRRORIST TRAINING CAMP without "pulling the trigger"...(the cruise missle was targeted and HOT before the STAND DOWN ORDER CAME)...the excuse was the presence of a terrorist camp visiting Saudi Prince.....really......normal lib procedure....therefore sentencing thousands of U.S. soldiers and civilians to death in years that followed.....great move......

But, it was all Bush's fault.......

The rest is history and the lib morons will never admit another of their failed attempts to manipulate society...always for the worse and under the guise of we want to help "da po folk"...!

For those who really want to know and possibly learn something: "The Magic Negro"..the monikers origin and it's meaning/history;----,0,3391015.story


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The Liberals will continue to deny the truth that the Community Re-Investment Act was the root cause of our economic problems today. They have to deny it's the cause because to admit otherwise would be a true admission that liberal economics is a disaster. It was probably the most disasterous piece of legislation from an economic,financial and social perspective since Prohibition.
I also think it's hard for individuals with a gimme,gimme,gimme, today,today,today mentality like most liberals have to grasp the concept that an act passed when that fool Carter was president and drastically expanded under Clinton could be causing such harm today.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.
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Originally Posted By: Gnomon
Originally Posted By: RHD45
I think that we all need to realize that all our problems didn't start 4 years ago,8,12,16 or even 20 years ago. This has been a long time coming and we are paying the price for things done by the government a long time ago and a general populace content to sit back and enjoy the life they have and not work to insure future generations had the same chances.We're not the only big, bad dog on the block anymore and we need to learn to co-exist and think outside the box.Probably never happen given human nature as it exists today.

Bingo! This is exactly true - the real question might be "Is it really bad or just different?" The Dust Bowl following the Great Depression was really bad but now we have large safety nets in place. It is up to individuals to make proper use of them. People need to learn new skills that are in demand. Hod carriers aren't but skilled masons are.

We all do still have chances and our kids will too if we make sure they get a decent education. Let them think the earth is 6000 years old and they'll be living under a bridge. That's one reason so many of our graduate students in engineering are foreign.


Nice dig at creationists but, I think you know the H1-B work visa program is the principal reason we have so many foreign engineering students. They are attracted to U.S. engineering programs as way to immigrate to the US.

I also have a feeling you know this allows universities to offer crappy stipends which do not attract American students. Foreign grad students will work for a pittance because they have another incentive.

If we made special accommodations for foreign philosophy students you can bet we would get lots of foreign philosophers. Nothing special is going on.

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Ryan, the point is that a lot of Americans don't take engineering degrees - the work is too hard and those coming from public schools are unprepared.

It wasn't only a dig at creationists it was a dig at the entire culture that embraces theological explanations for the natural world and how it works.

Yep, we certainly could get a lot of foreign philosophy students and history students but there are not nearly enough jobs to place the ones we're churning out.

I don't know enough about the current status of stipends to comment but I'm always amazed at how much students whine about their debt. Imagine! Someone getting out of medical school with 150K debt. That's two Beemers.

CalTech and MIT engineers shouldn't whine either - they are in high demand and the slots could be filled with Americans but our guys can't hack it.

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Originally Posted By: Gnomon
CalTech and MIT engineers shouldn't whine either - they are in high demand and the slots could be filled with Americans but our guys can't hack it.

I read this political stuff down here but try never to get pulled into arguments about questions which may really have no absolute answers. I just don't have the stomach for debates that all seem to descend into name calling.

Gnoman's quote above though brought to mind the fact that the politically correct liberal leaders we've elected have dumbed down our education, especially here in the South, so that no one is particularly well educated anymore so that those who cannot be educated will not feel inadequate. Surely that has opened the door for foreign students to take the lead in our hard science type curriculums. For a guy like Gnoman who seems to be of a distinct liberal pursuasion to then criticize our "guys who can't hack it" seems somewhat unfair to me...Geo

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Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Originally Posted By: Gnomon
CalTech and MIT engineers shouldn't whine either - they are in high demand and the slots could be filled with Americans but our guys can't hack it.

I read this political stuff down here but try never to get pulled into arguments about questions which may really have no absolute answers. I just don't have the stomch for debates that all seem to descend into name calling.

Gnoman's quote above though brought to mind the fact that the politically correct liberal leaders we've elected have dumbed down our education, especially here in the South, so that no one is particularly well educated anymore so that those who cannot be educated will not feel inadequate. Surely that has opened the door for foreign students to take the lead in our hard science type curriculums. For a guy like Gnoman who seems to be of a distinct liberal pursuasion to then criticize our "guys who can't hack it" seems somewhat unfair to me...Geo

Geo- I agree totally with you. Our guys cannot hack a rigorous scientific or engineering curriculum because they have gotten the short end of the education stick. They also are no longer willing to work hard- it is very, very hard to do do a degree in physical chemistry or in chemical engineering.

It's not only in the South - and it has little to do liberal pc leaders. It has all to do with parents who let the entire school systems go to hell and bask in the glory of little Junior getting his head bashed in on the HS football field.

Those are value systems that your people impose upon your kids.

Don't give us that "liberal" shite. I am a liberal and my son is as well educated by any international or domestic criteria as you can (or most likely can't) imagine.

It's the redneck culture - the NASCAR and HS basketball thrill-games that take precedence over differential equations and the reality of hard work.

Yeah, it's the liberals' fault, once again.

And if your schools in the South have been dumbed down, do something about it - other than whine about "liberals"

If southern kids are down about the intellectual nadir it's because of creationism, theology (much like muslims') football and parents who haven't a clue what learning is. Don't blame liberals.

We liberals educate our kids,one way or another.

You people don't.

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Well now wait just a minute. I am as conservative as anyone on here I suppose. I have a degree in mechanical engineering. I don't mean the MET, I mean the trigonometry, analytical geometry, three semesters of Calculus, differential equations, statistics, dynamics, statics, two semesters of thermodynamics,two semesters of chemistry (the hard one, not the cowboy chemistry) two semesters of electrical engineering,fluids, kinematics and machine design, metallurgy, structures, computer programming (Fortran), and two semesters of physics one. I played football in junior high and high school.

My son has the same degree. He is also conservative.

Most of the North East inner city is liberal. They are for unemployment insurance, universal government health care, government safety net programs, government aid for everything. Their educational levels are not particularly superior to the average white conservative. Yet they are liberal.

I have seen your list of your son's credentials and they are sterling. Doesn't mean he has them because you are a political liberal. He has them because those are your family's values, not your politics.

Last edited by AmarilloMike; 09/10/12 09:03 PM.

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keith Offline OP
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If you believe what Gnomoron the liar just posted above, it would stand to reason that educational standards and results from our public schools would have been at their absolute worst when creationism was much more prevalent and there was daily prayer in public schools. Nothing could be further from the truth. Secular humanism and liberalism rules the roost and the results speak for itself.

Liberal ideas and liberal curriculum have led us down the road to a less well educated populace. Johnny, or Jamal can't read but we pass him anyway because failing is a blow to self esteem. Discipline has declined to the point where hall moniters are replaced with uniformed police. Teachers who can't or won't teach are granted tenure and protected. Pay and benefits have increased dramatically, yet performance has fallen. But funding for education is at an all time high.

Where parents lament the current state of affairs and demand higher performance or school choice, liberal politicians and the liberal teachers unions scream bloody murder. School sports are the only place left where harder work and better performance is still important. Gnomoron knows this to be true, but he is a liar.

Gnomoron's kid may be well educated, just as some conservative's kids beat the odds and succeed in spite of lowered standards. It would be interesting to cut several states in half and maintain the status quo in one part, and change to the type of system that the liberals fight at every turn in the other part. I think we all know which part would turn out better educated kids at lower cost. But the liberals would never agree to such an experiment because they are reaping the rewards of having ignorant voters who believe Democrat bullshit lies and feel they need to depend on government.

I'll also bet that Gnomoron is educating his kid to be a liberal liar just like Dad. Notice how he hasn't said even a word about how Clinton and the Democrats torpedoed the economy by setting up the Mortgage crisis. Nor has he said a word about Bill Clinton's little error of allowing the world's worst terrorist to live. Does that make Gnomoron "liberal shite" or just a big stinkin' pile?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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Gonadez doesn't believe the crap he writes....

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