Originally Posted By: larryguy

One respondent above mentioned the popularity of the AyA in the UK - I can tell you that the AyA of the UK is NOT the AyA you see in the U.S. Many of the Brit guns come partially finished, depending on order, and are 'gone over' by Brit gunsmiths - from internal finishing, to bluing, engraving and even stocking on some of the AyA's brought in in the white. The British dealers in the Spanish guns seem to hold the makers to a higher standard than our dealers do.

Many English companies work with Spanish makers to tailor guns for the English market. William Powell and Churchill, for example, both work with Arrieta. However, these gun are completely built in Spain. They are simply made to specs layed out by the Brits. I doubt seriously British gunsmiths go over every gun imported to England. I could be wrong though. I would be very impressed if it were true.

One exception is the AYA #1 DELUXE. The ones that goes to England are finished in England.... blacking, engraving (by Geoff Moore), color case (by St. Ledger), and stock finishing. The ones that comes to U.S. are finished in Spain. But as far as I know, this is the only exception in the AYA line. The other models should be the same, no matter what country they're bound for. But if you know something I don't, please share. Not trying to be a smart-a$$, just want learn the truth.

