If you believe what Gnomoron the liar just posted above, it would stand to reason that educational standards and results from our public schools would have been at their absolute worst when creationism was much more prevalent and there was daily prayer in public schools. Nothing could be further from the truth. Secular humanism and liberalism rules the roost and the results speak for itself.

Liberal ideas and liberal curriculum have led us down the road to a less well educated populace. Johnny, or Jamal can't read but we pass him anyway because failing is a blow to self esteem. Discipline has declined to the point where hall moniters are replaced with uniformed police. Teachers who can't or won't teach are granted tenure and protected. Pay and benefits have increased dramatically, yet performance has fallen. But funding for education is at an all time high.

Where parents lament the current state of affairs and demand higher performance or school choice, liberal politicians and the liberal teachers unions scream bloody murder. School sports are the only place left where harder work and better performance is still important. Gnomoron knows this to be true, but he is a liar.

Gnomoron's kid may be well educated, just as some conservative's kids beat the odds and succeed in spite of lowered standards. It would be interesting to cut several states in half and maintain the status quo in one part, and change to the type of system that the liberals fight at every turn in the other part. I think we all know which part would turn out better educated kids at lower cost. But the liberals would never agree to such an experiment because they are reaping the rewards of having ignorant voters who believe Democrat bullshit lies and feel they need to depend on government.

I'll also bet that Gnomoron is educating his kid to be a liberal liar just like Dad. Notice how he hasn't said even a word about how Clinton and the Democrats torpedoed the economy by setting up the Mortgage crisis. Nor has he said a word about Bill Clinton's little error of allowing the world's worst terrorist to live. Does that make Gnomoron "liberal shite" or just a big stinkin' pile?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.