Originally Posted By: Gnomon

....as I read the posts on this forum almost every right-winger is constantly complaining about social injustice, poor people or Magic Negroes. I still think this is a great country and I just wonder if you have some solution to the 12% who have no marketable skills. A lot of them are 50 or so yrs old. What do you propose?

Is it possible that you aren't reading the posts, and just stereotyping. Seems to me, the longest 'discussions' are about liberal in general and the current administrations actions in particular. Try not to forget, real issues. I can see personal attacks against some folks here, but if you look back, you have very little policy, action and result criticism of Romney. But, you have personal attacks against him that mirror lib talking points, not accomplishments.

Take for instance your second sentence here. I read condescending distraction, but let's assume there's a point here. For starters 12% of....what? Fifty year old white guys who don't have high school diplomas? How about this, make the rest of the 98% of the country work and pay taxes, because it's a 'great country'.

Say a handful of those whities fend for themselves in this world, why not give the rest of them, which they are drawing anyway, entitlement welfare. Since you were able to identify the problem and pose the dilemma, why is the answer womens reproductive rights, antisemitism and more debt. See how easy it is to get off track and start bashing crazy right wingers. I don't think anyone here cares about how you tend to your preferences, can you blame them for pushing back when you want to force compliance to your values.

You shouldn't pick on that slow southern kid who has different values than you. I bet he's more likely to take care of grandpas old Parker so he can use it for squirrel season with his dad, than any of the kids at that stuffy chitown hs. Bet most of those kids are at the fancy school because their old man wants bragging rights at the country club and high end child care. Bet part of you fancy secular education is gun bashing. Start 'em young and demonize the progunners as right wing extremists. Whew, just mak'in sh...stuff up.