craig, I don't " want to force compliance to your values." I don't know where you get this stuff. Republicans keep introducing legislation regarding women's reproductive issues - that's trying to force compliance with values.

"You shouldn't pick on that slow southern kid who has different values than you. I bet he's more likely to take care of grandpas old Parker so he can use it for squirrel season with his dad, than any of the kids at that stuffy chitown hs. Bet most of those kids are at the fancy school because their old man wants bragging rights at the country club and high end child care. Bet part of you fancy secular education is gun bashing. Start 'em young and demonize the progunners as right wing extremists. Whew, just mak'in sh...stuff up."

Glad you understand you're making stuff up.

But the morning news brought some terrible info - we are under attack again in Libya and Egypt.

Time to totally isolate those countries - nobody out; none of us in. No trade (we don't need them) no banking, no nuttin.