Mike the Bear and my friend KyJon are the ones with actual experience with competitive skeet and know about constrictions. As they said, and I agree with, around .007 or .008 is what competitive skeet shooters use. No competitors I am aware of would trust an oh oh five choke when shooting for money. As a Kolar shooter, I imagine Mike has shot some scores in the high nineties or better and knows what he is talking about. Jon's friend, (wish I knew who he was, since Jon is a home boy from MD and I have probably shot with his friend) has probably run some 100s in .410 and knows what to shoot. I think my competition .410 chokes are .007 and .010, and I don't normally shoot the tens in competition, only for fun. For tame pheasants, I would use my mod and full Smith, which is probably choked about .015 and .020. For tame quail, the sevens and tens would be fine. Sam is another one who knows what he is talking about, knows patterns and constrictions and owns a small hole gauge to measure the chokes in his Model 42s.