HD - True story and although the kid was totally caught off guard by being splashed, he was cool when he realized it was a practical joke; it was his old man who was not amused. I've now "mellowed out" and would never pull the kinds of stunts I pulled in my youth; but for the record, this kid was a regular fixture at my home for years; and this little episode did not turn him against deer hunting. He and my son hunted together and bagged a lot of venison until they graduated high school and went in different directions; but to this day "the boy" still laughs about the things that happened that night, and they are events he will remember as long as he lives. But the gang I grew up hunting with was forever pulling practical jokes on each other, it was great (and harmless) fun; and, now in our old age, an endless source of laughter whenever we can get together. You are certainly free to judge me in any manner you choose, but rest assured that any tales I might relate here are, in fact true stores; events that I actually lived, witnessed and experienced. Lord knows that I've been fortunate to have killed more that my fair share of game in my lifetime; but I learned long ago that it's not the weight of one's game bag and/or the numbers of game animals bagged that one remembers, it's the crazy good times you enjoyed with your friends along life's journey that are the most special.

PS: And I was actually happy for the kid.

Last edited by topgun; 10/31/12 10:25 AM.