I do realize that Pieper's wares were available in U.S. of A. catalgoues but S,D&G employed folk that had all but, if not direct ties to Liege. I also realize the following Sept. 1882 Forest & Stream advert is over 10 years prior to the time period we are chasing, but typically if you are peddling something in a hardware store one would want to purchase from a source who could source the cheapest & that source was Schoverling, Daly & Gales. It is possible that there were changes in the name of H. Pieper's sole U.S. of A. agent but I think few if any could compete with S,D&G on price.

"Attested by the Jury, Klimm, Royal Inspector of Forests, Kevssler, Royal Inspector of Forests, Heise Inspector of Powder at Cologne, G. Hahn, record keeper. It will be noticed that the Pieper guns are especially effective at long range. Mr H Pieper has appointed the undersigned sole agent for the United States and Canada and offers the goods at prices far below their real worth in order to speedily introduce them into this market."

I would like to see an image of the buttplate.

Kind Regards,
