Originally Posted By: nca225
Chances are that America will be the same as it was yesterday, but with out the annoying political adds and a few more democratic senators.

Exactly! Stagnant job growth that isn't even keeping up with population growth. A true unemployment rate of at least 15%. A ballooning federal deficit. High gas prices. Hidden inflation due to a weaker dollar. Declining median wages. Even more people on food stamps. A stronger resurgent Al Qaeda and a Middle East moving toward Muslim extremists. An Iran defiantly digging deeper underground as they continue to ramp up enrichment of weapons grade uranium. More silence and stonewalling on Libya-gate. Continued stonewalling on Fast and Furious. In short, a record to be proud of and a record only a complete idiot or someone on the government dole could wish to extend for four more years.

On a positive note, nca225 and Gnomoron the liar can still legally get married in several states.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.