In Italy they will send you away from the polling station if you don't show up with a legal government issued ID.

No vote.

How do I know that...Ask JRB. Wife was born and raised in Italy, SHe is now a dual citizen and I have an equivalent of a permanent green card in Italy....and am eligible myself for citizenship there by marriage ( I'm grandfathered into the old immigration laws that have been revised since several times) ...I lived and worked there for 6 years....I have an apartment there (sort of like a rent controlled APT in NYC type thing)...three antique motorcycles there, and I've spent a month there every year for the last 20 years...I even have my own tax ID number there (similar to an SSI # here).

I even have a circle of friends there I've been friends with since 1988 I'm NOT related to by marriage.

I know every part of that city even better than I know Washington DC where I've worked for 18 years.

Last edited by boneheaddoctor; 11/13/12 10:46 PM.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree, and think 25 to life would be Appropriate.