My shotgunning started on Harrington & Richardson single shot 16ga which I only used when I couldn't gain a hold on my dad's 16ga Springfield double. Received a Remington Mod 58 semi in 12ga which I promptly shot to pieces at skeet and trap. Only hunted with it once. Stumbled into a Skeet club on Okinawa and after the Model 58 receiver cracked bought a brand new Kreighoff Model 32 for $227 airmailed from Germany(1964). That was about one months Army pay and it was my general purpose shotgun for a long time. Still have it but only because one of my kids wants it when I die. Read a bit about Parkers, found a 20ga Trojan and the Kreighoff never went quail hunting again. Bought a Parker VHE 20ga and sold the Trojan. VHE is still here. Developed a taste for Italian O/Us and bought a premium grade B Rizzini for sporting clays. Doubt I will ever change the Parker and Rizzini. The Parker is a cold stone killer of quail, Hungarian partridge and wild pheasants. The Rizzini suits me for sporting clays. Love the higher grade English and Italian guns but just can't justify the costs to myself.