A while back I had a post where I was asking about an M12 or M97.
Well a model 12 made in 1928 followed me home the other day. It's been used but not abused. The wood is in pretty good shape and the bluing has that brown patina but not rubbed through or scratched. It's in need of a good cleaning and I'm wondering what the best way to go about it is. So far on the outside all I've done was rub it with an old sock and Ballistol. Inside the receiver is another matter. It's been a loooong time since anyone gave it any attention and the gunk has hardened and doesn't want to clean. I'm thinking I'll probably have to get after it with an old toothbrush and some Gumout or something. What do you suggest? I don't want to do anything dumb. FWIW it's a 28" modified 12 gauge.