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I don't have a choice of where that money goes. and I don't have a choice to not pay it...and its not an insignificant amount of money every month.

BHD, you DO have some choice in the matter. Union members have what are known as Beck Rights (see Beck v. Communications Workers of America). Basically, unions are required to notify members that, under the Beck decision, members are not required to pay that portion of dues that goes for political activity or candidate support that the member does not agree with. Problem is that the unions often do not provide the required notifications, and the NLRB does not aggressively enforce the requirement. Still case law, though, and enforceable if you push the issue. Union leaders are a crooked bunch under most circumstances, and the NLRB is not far behind.

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I am of course saddened and disgusted by today's tragic massacre. I pray for the victims and their families. What we saw today was pure depraved evil. And evil always finds a way to manifest itself.

Once again, an evil killer bent on destruction of the innocent utilized a tool. This time, the killer used guns to murder 27 people, mostly small defensless children. Cowardice is not a fitting description of the act. Eleven years ago, evil killers used box cutters to commandeer airplanes to kill 2996 innocents. If sheer numbers really mean anything when evil strikes, 100 times as many died then from the use of box cutters than died today from the use of guns.

But predictably, anytime a gun is used as the instrument of evil intent, the gun grabbers rear up and use the tragedy as an excuse for pursuing their agenda. Events today resulted in comments from nca225 that absolutely confirmed everything I ever said about him. I wish I had been wrong about him. I'd rather have not known for sure. But we certainly now know for sure.

The comments from nca225 today also serve as further proof of his abject stupidity. Just read his statements and his solutions to see the absurdity. If we adopted one of his solutions, that of banning those with low intelligence or mental defects from gun ownership, he would be the first to be so restricted.

Does this mental midget understand that the shooter stole the guns he used? Even they had been locked in a gun safe in his mother's home, what would prevent him from either stealing them from another place, or holding a knife to his mom's neck and forcing her to open her safe before murdering her? He also says he supports a ban on magazines with a capacity of 10 or more rounds. Does this idiot nca225 realize that the shooter did stop to reload before resuming the carnage? Is there really that much difference in time or end results if the shooter slapped two ten round mags into his Glock versus three seven round mags or four five round mags? Is nca225 saying there is an acceptable level of carnage? Does anyone really think the anti-gunners like him wouldn't call for lower and lower magazine limits each time some nutcase used a gun.

A good sniper in a well barricaded spot near a crowded venue could kill a lot of people with a single shot rifle before being taken down. The D.C. sniper several years ago killed 10 people one shot at a time. Yes, he used a semi-auto, but any groundhog rifle would have accomplished the same death toll. He was firing single well aimed rounds.

We already do restrict drug abusers, those adjudicated mentally defective, domestic violence abusers, convicted felons, etc. from gun ownership. There are laws in place but these killers do not respect the law. So nca225's moronic solution is to place more restrictions on the law abiding. The 20 year old killer today was not legally permitted to own a handgun. How well did that law work, nca225?

I, and the NRA of course, realize that all the gun laws in the world will not deter a determined killer. See that 9-11 death toll again. Check the body count at the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. How about Ted Bundy? He never fired a shot. Rarely does a serial killer use a gun. There are two unsolved mass murders within 20 miles of my home that killed 8 people. One killer used a knife, the other a hammer. Recently, an arsonist in Warren, Ohio killed a whole family by burning them to death. How many more examples do you need nca225?

The simple answer to that question is that it doesn't matter. nca225 is here to promote gun control. He, and others with the same agenda are always looking for some excuse to get the nose of the camel under the tent. No amount of new gun laws would ever be enough. Obama will again in the coming days call for bans on high capacity magazines and, even though the rifle was not used today, he will call for reinstatement of the Clinton Assault Rifle Ban. For starters. He told Professor John Lott at the University of Chicago that "people shouldn't be allowed to own guns." Period. But nca225 supports him and says new gun laws are up to politicians. Politicians like Obama and Joe Biden and Dianne Feinstein who would confiscate every single gun in the U.S. today if they could.

Originally Posted By: Replacement
I'd also like to weed them out from voting and from breeding, but that's not going to happen, either.

The above quote from Replacement is priceless. I immediately thought of nca225 who is a waste of good air. He is, as I said, an anti-gun, anti Second Amendment guy looking for acceptance on a firearms website. He does not care in the least that the killer today is a sick evil sociopath who could have, and would have, killed any of a dozen different ways. Lacking guns, he could have sloshed a five gallon can of gas into a classroom and then tossed in a lit match. nca225 is hell bent on seeing our Constitutional Right restricted. He wants to punish us for the actions of an evil criminal. But in typical Liberal fashion, he would be the first to protest severe sentencing or the death penalty for evil killers. He sees a connection between these massacres and the decline of unions. But the soul-less Athiest won't see any connection to restrictions on religious displays, or removing the Ten Commandments or prayer from schools.

nca225, you are one sick stupid bastard! The only kind thing I can say about you is that at least you have been honest enough to finally reveal your true reason for being here. There are a few others who are still pretending to be gun guys. All of them are Liberal Democrats. Surprise.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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There was another horrific mass killing of school children in the last month. 22 children murdered in what should be a safe haven, their classrooms. Like yesterday in Connecticut most of them were very young, innocents all.

The perp, another madman. But he lives in a country where only the authorities have guns. A place where citizens have no rights and are regularly murdered by the state. A gun control paradise! It's called The People's Republic of China.

So how could this have happened? He used a knife!

Where there is a will, there is a way.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia
keith #304490 12/15/12 09:30 AM
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"nca225, you are one sick stupid bastard! The only kind thing I can say about you is that at least you have been honest enough to finally reveal your true reason for being here. There are a few others who are still pretending to be gun guys. All of them are Liberal Democrats. Surprise."

Could not have said it better Keith,excellent post.
"nca225" (his name is Chris from Old Orchard Beach Maine),is a coward and a traitor who would, as I have said before and he is proving here now, more then willing to throw any of us under the bus to promote his libtard agenda including taking a tragedy where young children died and trying to promote "unions" (WTF?)trigger recognition devices( pure stupidity).
Think of him as a George Soros-one of the puppet string holder for Obama,who turned other Jews to the nazis so they could take them off to the gas chambers.Unfortunately we,are stuck with this coward until he is "outed". Then he will hide like all the other rats when the light comes on.

The problem is not the lack of unions (money laundering vehicles for the marxist left) nor was it "Regan" rocky mtn bill(another WTF ).

Its this;

Hillary For Prison 2018
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nca666 isn't the only sick one. Anyone who exploits the deaths of these kids to further their socialist agenda is one sick mother effer.

Practice safe eating. Always use a condiment.
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Originally Posted By: nca225
Originally Posted By: GJZ
PTSD. Start a campaign to disarm veterans who claim this disability, nca225. Go ahead.

....I just dont think they should have guns.

How about this heart warming tale. John Hammar, former Marine with ptsd, has been locked up in a Mexican prison since August. A US Customs agent had him fill out forms for him to legally take a family heirloom shotgun from his great grandfather into Mexico. He was on a road trip with a buddy to go surfing and they wanted to do some bird hunting in Costa Rica. He was immediately arrested in Mexico.

Bet he's getting exactly what he deserves, huh. Cuffed to a bed in case he tries to escape. Then his family gets extortion phone calls from within the prison for his life and he's moved to a cleared out closet. Still, no fallout for the border agent and no help from the state department.

Just one story, but you're saying this could have been prevented if he had the right to possess the old family shotgun taken from him. If his service to the country doesn't repulse you, call your lib representatives and see if they can help get him home.

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Originally Posted By: King Brown
For all the fulminations at this time, for all what some see as a continuous struggle against liberals or worse, there's an absolute guarantee nothing is going to change in the United States concerning gun owners' rights and freedoms. The Supreme Court has confirmed a constitutional right to bear arms, struck down restrictive ownership in Washington and Illinois, guns are permitted in some schools, citizens show up with AR-15s at political rallies. It's common to see pistols on hips and votes allowing concealed. Leaders will continue to be assassinated, massacres bring country to mourning in one of the world's strongest democracies but as sure as maple syrup comes from trees no one will take guns away from Americans. It is written. Fear not. Ask Jim. Those who downrate their fellow citizens, country and constitution do not long remain citizens of a great nation.

As an ode to dead horses and all who beat them. Does that sound a little poetic? Anyway, you're neither insightful or reasonable. An opinion from another country shouldn't matter, but it's cancerous.

I'd like to point out that your words of wisdom deceptively ignore the likely change of ideology in our supreme court and the attack against gun rights in US lower courts. Have you 'investigated' the rate of unilateral regulatory control forced on the US by a single branch of the government. Why would you assume gun control would be legislated, when it's easier to impose their right to tax.

Yesterday, the prez did a little uncharacteristic performance and cried during his speech. To me, it didn't look genuine and I thought ok what's coming. He ended by saying 'we're going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics'. We'll see, but one thing for sure, it was from the teleprompter, not the heart.

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Originally Posted By: craigd

As an ode to dead horses and all who beat them. Does that sound a little poetic? Anyway, you're neither insightful or reasonable. An opinion from another country shouldn't matter, but it's cancerous.

I'd like to point out that your words of wisdom deceptively ignore the likely change of ideology in our supreme court and the attack against gun rights in US lower courts. Have you 'investigated' the rate of unilateral regulatory control forced on the US by a single branch of the government. Why would you assume gun control would be legislated, when it's easier to impose their right to tax.

Yesterday, the prez did a little uncharacteristic performance and cried during his speech. To me, it didn't look genuine and I thought ok what's coming. He ended by saying 'we're going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics'. We'll see, but one thing for sure, it was from the teleprompter, not the heart.

Very, very well said Craig, +100....



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Originally Posted By: craigd
Yesterday, the prez did a little uncharacteristic performance and cried during his speech. To me, it didn't look genuine and I thought ok what's coming. He ended by saying 'we're going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics'. We'll see, but one thing for sure, it was from the teleprompter, not the heart.

I see that I'm not the only one that wasn't fooled by his phoney alligator tears. How come I didn't see tears running down the side of his nose bridge? Doesn't he have tear ducts in that corner of his eye? How come he didn't wipe tears from the right eye? Does he have selective tear ducts?

Practice safe eating. Always use a condiment.
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GLS Offline

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Geo brought this up a week or so ago in a different thread. It's one thing to blast a man for his opinions online and more power to you. It is quite another matter to bring in personal identification and where he lives. I think Geo called it "cyber sleuthing" There are criminal penalties in some states for this conduct done for the purpose of harrassment or intimidation. I have a client who has been indicted for comments made about his former spouse online. While what has happened here wouldn't be criminal in my state because an important factor is not present, that factor might not be required in other states. Say what you want to about his beliefs and motives, but you are leading with your chin once you start putting in personal information about his name and where he lives.

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