Originally Posted By: treblig1958
Knowing what little I know about the races I would say that most of these guys have too much invested to give a rats a$$ about what anyone thinks of them or their sport.
You got that right Treb! I think the original poster's intent was to have a discussion about Flyers......and NOT about the anti aspect. Small Bore tried to get us on the right track with his post. I used to participate a lot, trying different shells, chokes and guns. Pretty much settled on a 32 inch Perazzi Mirage choked Full and Fuller. Mine almost shot like a rifle and that's what I wanted because if I hit the bird I wanted it to die. Some guys liked more open choke for the first shot....I did better with a tighter choked gun especially when back at 35 yards. In terms of shells, I preferred 1 1/4 oz and 3 1/4 dram to the 3 3/4 dram load....recoil would get to me. Sometimes I shot a release/pull trigger.....extremely fast trigger for a guy skilled with one. In terms of guns, most guys use O/U configuration, but you see some automatics and SxS's too. I once saw a man win over $100,000 shooting a Model 21 Winchester. He clearly knew how to operate that old gun! Flyer shooting is the Super Bowl of shotgun sports IMHO and I really miss playing the game (got away from it due to time constraints plus I'm not the shot I used to be as a younger man).

Socialism is almost the worst.