I can only be the voice of experience and not education here. One hunt in particular will illustrate. A friend, who is normally a fine shot, was shooting steel. Another friend and I were shooting Kent Tungsten Matrix. The wind was howling at around 30 miles an hour.

My steel shooting friend went through a box of shells and never killed a bird, my Kent TM friend and I both killed limits. My theory was that the lighter steel was getting blown away by the wind while our heavier Kent TM was staying on target enough to kill ducks. I've seen similar situations more than once but this was the most extreme.

I shot at a cripple on the water at maybe 25 yards, it took missing it twice to realize that I wasn't hitting where I was aiming. I had to lead into the wind to cover up the bird and kill it. Yeah, it was blowing pretty good that day for sure.


Out there at the crossroads molding the devil's bullets. - Tom Waits