Good questions and insightful answers here- sound like the feds who worked up the C&R license rules and regs are related to the lawyers who design current CF rifles with 8 lb trigger pulls and the key-coded 'safety' locks on new weapons- Not to worry lads, if I end up buying this, it will be shipped to my FFL dealer and I'll cover the fee, do the 4473 and pass the "Stevie Nicks" background check easy as pie- sure is good to be an Honorably Discharged vet with no criminal record- the paperwork is an added cost to the FFL dealer, so he should be reimbursed- Me, I trust the Feds about as much as I trust Jane Fonda or Dianne Feinstein, so I don't apply for a C&R- my choice I guess.

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..