Originally Posted By: Last Dollar
Please get this off of here...Its pollution!

Are you just talking about Second Amendment issues, or are you also talking about all of the many recent off topic threads such as the current "Small Munsterlander" thread or the "Model 12 Winchester" thread?

In case you hadn't noticed, we are under a Jihad style attack by politicians and a media hell bent on taking away a major piece of our Bill of Rights. And you call putting that on the front page of Doubleunshop "pollution"? Do you really think if we ignore the threat, it will just go away?

It's especially amusing that Jim merely posted a link to an article here with no vitriol or personal opinion, and OWD jumps in and calls him a "bullying, paranoid nut job". Does anyone see the hypocrisy there? OWD shrilly condemns the very thing he is guilty of.

Once again, this all goes back to the very simple solution of... if you don't like this stuff... just don't read it. Don't click on it. Don't go there. When you go to a restaurant, do you order things you hate and then complain, or do you stick to the menu items you like? No one has forced you to click on this. If you are offended, it is because you intentionally stuck your nose in it.

I don't suppose this thread will be here long. I'm sure a couple guys have already whined and bitched to Dave. It makes you wonder what their real motives are since there is nothing being said here that isn't being hotly debated in workplaces, living rooms, taverns, radio talk shows, and editorial pages all over the nation. So why are some pretending to be so offended when someone has the audacity to put a Second Amendment issue on the front page of a Shotgun Forum?

I wish Dave would ask himself that question before he pulls the plug on this thread too. We have several anti-gunners on this Forum. One, nca225, finally came out of the closet in the past couple weeks and has now openly asked "what is the point of the keep and bear arms part" of the 2nd Amendment. Several others are still pretending to be gun guys. Still more would rather do nothing and let a small fraction of gun owners carry the entire load of maintaining our rights. Worse yet, they don't want any reminders that they enjoy the harvest, but never contribute to the toil.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.