Originally Posted By: rabbit
You can bark and growl in this forum until Dave's in his grave and hell freezes over and you can paint me with the tarry brush of your choice but By God there are limits. I'm not paying for the preservation of freedom in the currency of little kids.


If you're not interested, just don't look at it.

If you're not interested, just don't look at it.

If you're not interested, just don't look at it.

If you're not interested, just don't look at it.

By the way, was posting the same message multiple times "the currency of little kids? Sure looked that way to me!

Edit: It looks like Mr. jack rabbit deleted his multiple posts. Three down... one to go!

Last edited by keith; 01/05/13 05:45 PM. Reason: noting that rabbit deleted his multiple posts

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.