Originally Posted By: Bilious Bob
Glad ol' eng-pointer made his last post. Now we can git on to some REAL adult stuff! Or better yet... Model 12 Winchesters!

Why certainly we can get back to "vintage" Winchester Model 12s as this one was made in 1928. No only does this example I posted above have that bulbous fitting on the end of the barrel** the owner was also very thoughtful. So thoughtful in fact that he "engraved" his name and location right into the left side of the receiver. There for all to see is "Dr. W R Jacobs and below Potlatch,Idaho". Looks like he did this work with a rusty nail perhaps will sitting in a duck blind on a slow day. eek
** Which upon further review is a POWer PAC and not a Lyman variable choke as originally thought. It looks to be more suitable for a submachine gun. Can anyone elighten us as to it's purpose?

Last edited by italiansxs; 01/05/13 06:27 PM.

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