Well, let's see, I do like noodle kuchel and lahtkes, but I don't like gefilte fish or matzo ball soup. My Jewish girlfriend persecutes me all the time, but she'd do that whether I had guns or not. She also thinks Obama is a slimeball. She doesn't like the fact that Obama is trying to undermine the Constitution, and she sure doesn't like the fact that he allowed the Iranians to double the number of uranium enrichment centrifuges and dig their nuclear program deeper underground in 2012. She despises the fact that his kids have armed security at school but he ridicules that solution for the nation's kids.

I never said I share any similarities with Jews in Nazi Europe, other than some of the foods I've eaten at Passover Seders or Hannukah dinners. I've seen an entire Torah from Czechoslovakia at a local Temple that had a hole every place the Hebrew word for God appeared, because the Rabbis thought it might be desecrated by the Nazi's. Do you think that's why the Democrats took God's name out of the platform at their 2012 Convention? I did say the Jews were disarmed which certainly made it easier for the Nazi's to round them up with minimal resistance, and many Liberal Democrat politicians are calling for restrictions up to and including confiscation. They are public figures who are being cheered on and spurred on by privately owned newspapers. That was something that happened in pre-war Nazi Germany. Hitler didn't do it all by himself. I can't say that they would want to put gunowners in any labor camps, but were not going to take any chances when were dealing with liars either. He who does not learn from history is doomed to repeat it. I know a lot of Jews who never met their grandparents because they were killed by a politician who despised them and took away their freedom.

You'll do anything to defend the politicians who want to take away our rights. This is part of the Bill of Rights, and one of our Civil Rights. The founders put it there as our best defense against an oppressive Government. It's not about duck hunting or skeet shooting. You keep coming back to a Gun Enthusiasts Forum and expect to convince gunowners to back restrictive gun control legislation. You have compared our guns to the illegal drugs you use and said they should be heavily taxed to curtail their use. You told us the Militia has been replaced but you still haven't shown us the law or Supreme Court ruling that did that. You have said there is no longer any "point in the keep and bear arms part" of the 2nd Amendment. You think we should have our guns locked in a safe where they would be useless if an intruder broke in and attacked our family. You say we should be held criminally liable if a thief broke in and stole our guns and misused them. You say that the Heller ruling was comprised of judicial activism and thusly deny that we have an individual right to keep and bear arms.

There is clearly something wrong with you. I'm glad you came here to show others that everyone on Doublegunshop isn't a friend to gun owners. I still think you are mentally ill and that any guns you or your Mom have should be confiscated before you become the next headline. I hope your Mom gets you the help you need before you hurt her.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.