One also must not forget that some 6-6 million Jews who were murdered by the Nazi regime accounted for about of all those murdered. The other half were made up of "Germans", Poles, Czechs, Austrians, Etc. Anyone who dared to oppose what was happening. A very high percentage of pre-war German Doubles, Drillings, Sporting Mausers etc residing in this country today are bring-backs from WWII. The GIs didn't steal them from their owners, the Nazi Regime did.
The only part the massacre in Conn plays in this is it gains the Anti-gunners a toe hold. In a picture posted on the internet showing Joe Biden upon Obama's announcement he would have "Plans" in place within a month, That Broad smile on Biden's face "FAILED" miserably to show his concern for the Children.
Read the histories of the world, Genocide has killed more people than any thing else ever will & the first step is more often than to disarm the public.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra