Originally Posted By: 2-piper
Originally Posted By: postoak
Originally Posted By: Bilious Bob
Glad ol' eng-pointer made his last post. Now we can git on to some REAL adult stuff! Or better yet... Model 12 Winchesters!

Anyone that does not like Model 12 Winchester's is an Anti-America Commie SOB smile

Postoak, I've beeen with you all the way till this post. I do "NOT" like anything that resembles a Pump Gun, be it Winney, Remmmy, Mossy, Ithicy, Marly, Stevy or whatevery. In fact I find the "Perfect Repeater" to be a total contradiction of terms.
I do not consider myself Anti-American nor a Commie & I don't appreciate you throwing off on my Mother.

Miller it was perhaps a poor attempt at humor, directed at Bob.
I hold you in the highest regards Sir, please accept my apologies.

Mine's a tale that can't be told, my freedom I hold dear.