I've had a look at what Feinstein is purportedly proposing and expected to submit to the Senate on Jan 22. Unless you are soley a muzzloader shooter there are provisions in her proposal that could affect virtually every member of this board to some degree.
Make no mistake about it this proposal goes far beyond the expired Clinton era "Assault" weapons ban.
I'm not positive but an item that may be added would be the prohibiting of all firearms over 50 caliber regardless of whether they are rifled* or smoothbore so that means we'd be left with 410s if this were to pass and it included all types of shotguns.
I don't know yet if this is fact or conjecture.
Another point that's currently being overlooked is that many anti gunners are also anti hunters and will push for any and all legislation that makes it more difficult and expensive to hunt.
*Even if this only applied to "rifled barrel" shotguns it would be a real hardship for those deer hunters in shotgun only States.

Last edited by italiansxs; 01/05/13 08:50 PM.

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