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nca225, I have no proof that Liberals are hopeful that there will soon be another mass shooting. All I have is the consistant and predictable behavior they have shown in the past. And my prediction that they will do it in the future because the solutions you and they propose have been tried and failed.

Nowhere have I compared myself to the Jews who were persecuted by the Nazi's. I did note that said persecution was easier after they were disarmed. You, on the other hand, dismissed the observations that more people have been killed in genocides after being disarmed, than anything else. You always ignore the many things that make you look stupid and search for some small technicality that would give you credence. Give it up already. It's not working.

I supplied only the post #'s to your words because anyone can go and check to see what I said and what you said. So far, only you have denied your own words. The only one who has tried to correct me is a mentally ill person who can't keep with the same thought within the same paragraph... you. Also, it is getting a bit tedious and repeatedly proving you are wrong does take time. You're really not worth it because you have proven yourself to be dishonest with us for quite some time. Maybe if others take the time to read your posts, they will read many others as well and they will see how you've evolved recently from a Liberal Obama supporter who claimed he had not infringed on our gun rights and would not do so in a second term. They could also see how you've finally came out of the closet and are touting magazine bans, prosecution of those whose guns fell into the hands of a mentally ill person who stole them. P.S.--that would make said mentally ill person a thief, I'm not rearranging letters or inventing anything. Why are you so desperate looking for some loophole to prove I'm wrong? They could read your post suggesting heavily taxing guns along with illegal drugs and prostitution to reduce use and consumption, and finally questioning why we even have a right to keep and bear arms since you have maintained that the Militia of the Constitution has been replaced by the National Guard. They would also see that you disagree with the Heller ruling that found the 2nd Amendment guarantees an INDIVIDUAL right to the PEOPLE, and not the collective right to the National Guard and the Standing Army that you imagine.

Now, you show us where I or anyone said they wanted all mentally ill people locked up. I certainly never said that. I did say the Liberal ACLU lawyers made it harder to commit an adult who is mentally ill and has violent tendancies. And I certainly don't want mentally ill folks having access to guns... especially you. None of us said we thought mentally ill folks should have access to guns in their homes. But we realized that even locking them in a safe would be no impediment to a criminally evil crazy person. There are already laws that prohibit mentally ill and drug abusers from transferring a firearm. That's a law you yourself have violated.

I can see why Last Dollar got disgusted and left. If more folks would go to Misfires, they would see how many times you've been corrected on your anti-gun solutions, and keep coming back with the same tired crap. It does get old, and it does get time consuming. But we're not going to give you an anti-gun soap-box without knocking you off of it. They would come to understand that you are a taker and not a producer in this country, and how you want and need a Nanny State and desire more government control. They would see how some guys tried to reason with you and provided incontrovertible proof for you. They would also see guys like me do the same and go a step beyond and ridicule you unmercifully. None of it matters, and that's why I came to the conclusion that you are mentally ill yourself. As more and more guys reach the same conclusion, you will find youself getting knocked off of your little soapbox more frequently.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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Originally Posted By: keith
nca225, I have no proof that Liberals are hopeful that there will soon be another mass shooting. All I have is the consistant and predictable behavior they have shown in the past. And my prediction that they will do it in the future because the solutions you and they propose have been tried and failed.

You have no proof save for your conspiracy theories you mean to say. Speaking of conspiracy theories, do you still think that the evil liberal media made it up that Lanza used a .223 based on what you thought were pics of police removing an AR out of Lanza's trunk? You were alone on that one, even Jim could couldnt buy into that one and corrected you that it was a shotgun. Where was you your mea culpa? I understand, so many conspiracies, so hard to keep track of them all.

Your right though, you did catch me on one. I did say there was no proof that Obama wanted to come for the guns. I wonder why he broke that promise? Oh yeah, maybe because there have been at least a half dozen mass shootings since he became president and he got tired of paying for your freedom to shoot off thirty plus rounds a pop with the blood of the innocent and little children. I guess you don't understand that shit like that can change a person's mind on things. But then again all you really care about are your guns.

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There's the link that showed the long gun being taken out of the shooters car. All day of the shooting and into the night, both police and eyewitnesses inside the school said Lanza had two handguns. That's what was reported on Fox, CNN, MSNBC, and every other news report I saw. That's also what the reporter in this newsclip in the link says. I wasn't there. But if you Google early reports of the shooting at Sandy Hook, you too will find that the Bushmaster did not appear inside the school until the next day. Early reports also said a Saiga shotgun was found at the Lanza home. Again, I wasn't there. And I never got any confirmation that the gun in the trunk was a shotgun. It wasn't until the following day that the two handgun murder weapons were alleged to also include a Bushmaster AR .223. The coroner said all of the dead were killed with a .223. The eyewitnesses who saw him shooting a handgun must have all been wrong. The Newtown Police who said he had a Glock and a SIG handgun somehow missed the much larger Bushmaster.

In addition, Jim never said the gun in the trunk was a shotgun... he only said that it was not an AR type rifle. If what I said was a conspiracy theory, you'd have to include CNN and MSNBC in on it because even those very liberal networks did not report a .223 Bushmaster inside the school until the day after the shooting. I was witness to an armed robbery when I was in college. Neither I nor any of the other three people involved confused the handgun that was used with a rifle. I told the police it was a blued Colt .25 ACP. The others said it was a pistol, a handgun, and a Saturday Night Special. The cops asked me how I knew it was a Colt .25 ACP and I told them I was close enough to read the slide as the robber waved the gun.

Now tell the nice folks the truth about the long discussions we had about Obama and guns. You know damn well we told you that even though he hadn't signed any anti-gun legislation in his first term, he had a 100% anti-gun voting record as a legislator and U.S. Senator, had nominated two very anti-gun Supreme Court Justices, reversed the Bush administration position on the U.N. Small Arms Treaty, refused to sign on to a Friend of Court Brief supporting Heller, covered up the felonious Fast and Furious gunwalking into Mexican Drug Cartels of thousands of weapons, etc.

Obama did not endure other massacres in his first term and finally reach a breaking point... he basically ignored doing what he's doing now because he was more worried about getting re-elected than protecting children. He stayed under the radar as he told Sarah Brady he would. Even now, the dead children are only a pawn for him to get what he wants. He appointed Joe Biden as his Gun Czar because he's too lazy and too busy golfing in Hawaii to do it himself. His solutions and your solutions have been tried and do not work. Why are you so thick headed that you won't even acknowledge that? Gun crime is down because of stricter minimum sentencing guidelines and three strikes and you're out laws that get violent repeat offenders off the streets. The nut who killed his sister and ambushed firemen in New York was on the streets after being paroled for killing his grandmother with a hammer. It's your kind... Liberals who push to free killers and reverse death sentencing. You have more blood on your hands than any of the gunners here do. We never killed anyone. Go clean your own house before you come after our rights.

Have you even looked at the link between Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors (anti-depressants)and mass shootings, and suicides? No... it's all about thirty round clips to you. I'm more worried about the drugs you're on than the millions of clips and mags that are out there in the hands of law abiding shooters.

I am not at all concerned about "shooting off thirty plus rounds a pop" as you put it. The vast majority of my rifle shooting is done with either 5 shot bolt actions or single shots. I do all of my big game hunting with a flintlock. All of my small game hunting is done with doubles. I always cared about accurate precision shooting more than spraying a lot of lead. If I used thirty round magazines to hunt, I'd expect thirty kills from each. I care more about preventing school and other mass shootings, and even shootings where only one person is shot, more than you or Obama, because I'm interested in attacking the root causes, not an inanimate object and a Constitutional Right. I'm interested in trying things that might work instead of things that never worked. But then again, all you ever cared about was gun control. You just lied to us and pretended to be one of us.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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In my country we went from a no permit for shotguns situation to this law in just FIVE years:

"any implement capable of being used for offensice or defensive purposes is hereby regarded as a weapon and is prohibited". A ballistic vest has been treated as a prohibited weapon under the above law. Lawyers analyse whether bullet proof glass would be regarded as a prohibited defensive implement. There is academic discussion pondering the difference between "defense" and "protection".

There is no limit to gun control at "reasonable" levels. It has a built in "creep factor" and comes in a package that includes "discretionary" powers for officials and "administrative" functions which gradually burden the citizen.

The interesting thing in the US gun issue is that while there is talk of curtailing the right, no one seems to be considering emphasising the attendant duties of gun ownership, such as proper training, safe storage, etc. The single minded aim at "control" says a lot.

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Am I a mind-numbed robot as liberals say about people who listen to Limbaugh? Hardly. When I first heard him in the 80s, I said; "Finally; a person in the media who thinks like me."

It may have been mentioned already in this long thread, but the first shots of the revolution were fired because the British were coming to DISARM the people of Concord.

The first and formost reason for the 2nd Amendment is for the people to defend themselves from an oppressive government. That's why we need to fight tooth and nail against anymore infringement on the 2nd Amendment.

The Declaration of Independence states..."that when any form of government becomes destructive to theses ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it,...." That is why THE PEOPLE are the militia and........................

Last edited by 2holer; 01/06/13 04:02 PM.
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James M Offline OP
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"In addition, Jim never said the gun in the trunk was a shotgun... he only said that it was not an AR type rifle."

You are absolutely correct here and I only indicated the gun in the trunk shown in that fuzzy video wasn't an AR type rifle as was being reported in the mainstream news at that time. It was finally admitted to being a shotgun at a later date.
I am also receiving contrary reports that all the shooting in the school was carried out with Lanza's two pistols and if he had an AR with him it wasn't used. This assertion however is not confirmed so I'm waiting for clarification here like everyone else.
N.B. I'll post more later when I return from church.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.
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It no longer makes any difference to a good deal of the population. Mass and Social Media are a vehicle for centralizing authorities, that has been a dream for Statists all thru time. The supporters of the O'Gunhaters and Grabbers are nothing more than a reflexive tribal need to belong, feel safe, and to be 'right' in identity with the leadership figure that validates THEM.

Rational discussion, and those bothersome facts are not in the equation. Exceptions to that are the old fogy bunch that have actually read history, read precedents and law, understand the origins of this country, are students of our culture and expect rational conclusions to be drawn, therefrom.

Our culture's future is legally in the hands of people who want to end it. There is the remotest hope that a mass occupation of the Capitol by well-organized protestors, picketing Congress and the WhiteHouse, and camping for an extended period of time on the National Mall, almost immediately -- might have the tiniest blip of mitigating this train wreck.

However, as friend of mine recently observed, "I'm glad I'm old"

Last edited by JohnM; 01/06/13 02:26 PM.

Relax; we're all experts here.
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No plug pulling will occur on this thread. Recent events dictate a more “in your face” response to the current anti-gun initiatives that will be aimed in our direction over the next several years.

Facts are facts...

Rather than seek and implement a meaningful solution to deranged evil INDIVIDUALS who commit multiple heinous crimes without regard for any laws the Obama reality show and its’ never ending political campaign will exploit any tragedy to further their agenda.

The current US democratic (socialist) administration and all their comrades in the liberal media are coming for our firearms (not just modern firearms...all of them!), ammunition and any other implement that gives “We The People” the ability trump the power of their ever expanding government…The end game is to control the masses by extinguishing the freedoms of the individual.

The hypocrisy of "Fast and Furious"…they get to break the laws we are required to live by.

The armed guards at the schools their kids attend….our kids don’t need the same protection theirs do.

The unending fleecing of the WORKING American tax payer…they burn our money by funding their friends, furthering their power and floating our future on borrowing from one of our arch rivals the Chinese.

They preach diversity…but they roll on “my way or the highway”. Don’t question the high and mighty cause they know best. (Yes…apparently I am too stupid to have any personal responsibility and need the government to take care of me and wipe my ass all the time.)

I could go on for hours...

Just a reminder to all:

US Constitution – Bill of Rights - Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

PS - I happen to like Rush; Often he is inspiring, sometimes he is wrong...But each and every time he is educational and fosters critical thinking.

Dave Weber
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Very well said Dave, I sure hope the Libs on here read and digest what you wrote........these liberal fools voted for the destruction of our nation piece by piece, I hope they are proud of themselves.......

This administration has been and is a continuing train wreck, the absolute worst in the history of our Great Nation...........

Thank you Dave, well done......+1000....

Best Regards to all Who Support The 2nd Amendment and the entire Bill of Rights as originally ratified and the United States of America , God Bless You All........


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This didn't take long, restrictions on private sales and a national gun registry. We must resist this.

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