Originally Posted By: Last Dollar
Thats it!I am off this board...These 4 or 5 lunatics have dominated the off topics section, turning it into their own private pissing ground. Now we are letting them take over the main forum...I be gone....

Adios, we'll miss your sunny disposition. But this action does beg the question... if you despise this so much, why did you read it so often in Misfires? And wasn't it you who initiated the "Militia" thread? Didn't you participate as well? Would you like me to reference a few of your own pissing contests? And how could you ever read any of this if you didn't click on the topics you pretend to hate so much? Too bad you're already gone and no longer available to answer these simple questions.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.