No keith, I am very glad you up you are up on your soap box ranting where more reasonable minds can see the vitriol, insanity and hate that you and your cadre of crazies spew. Keep talking about your conspiracy theories as much as possible.

I noticed that for all of of my posts you talk about you give a # for but don't use all of the actual language. Is that because you realize I was talking about assuring that mentally ill people do not gain access to firearms in the home that they live in? I'm pretty sure that is something alot of people, and gun owners alike would agree with. No matter how hard you try to rearrange the letters in "mentally ill" you just cant turn those words into "thief". Same thing for attempting to turn the rationale behind not letting a mentally ill person gain access to firearms to suggesting that I somehow would require that all firearms in every hosehold must kept locked up or face prosecution. Both of which is what you have attempted to do and it is not supported by what I actually said. They are all completely different situations and you imagine them to be the same because your are paranoid and refuse to hear different perspectives. I love it I say apples and you and your crew imagine oranges.

Talking about the mentally ill, lets hear how you guys want to lock up all of the mentally ill bar none, whose only crime was to be born with a defect that leads to mental illness. Jim can help you explain that one. I am sure that there are board members who have a mentally ill relative, in the home or not. I'm sure they would be interested to hear how you feel about that. And you have the nerve to compare yourselves to the persecuted Jews in Nazi Europe.

I also noticed that you cant seem to figure when people are talking about one facet of policy as opposed to another or the whole. To you it just seems as they are just changing positions, but really, it just shows a lack of understanding and comprehension.

I stand by my posts as well, here or in the misfires, from the changes in policy that I support to presenting the case for your illiteracy and other defects that consume you.

BTW what proof do you have that Libs are hopeful and clamoring that there will be another mass shooting? Is there some liberal news article I missed? Please expand upon that.

Please don't ware yourself out. You have a lot more to explain.

Last edited by nca225; 01/05/13 11:29 PM.

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