Originally Posted By: keith
nca225, I have no proof that Liberals are hopeful that there will soon be another mass shooting. All I have is the consistant and predictable behavior they have shown in the past. And my prediction that they will do it in the future because the solutions you and they propose have been tried and failed.

You have no proof save for your conspiracy theories you mean to say. Speaking of conspiracy theories, do you still think that the evil liberal media made it up that Lanza used a .223 based on what you thought were pics of police removing an AR out of Lanza's trunk? You were alone on that one, even Jim could couldnt buy into that one and corrected you that it was a shotgun. Where was you your mea culpa? I understand, so many conspiracies, so hard to keep track of them all.

Your right though, you did catch me on one. I did say there was no proof that Obama wanted to come for the guns. I wonder why he broke that promise? Oh yeah, maybe because there have been at least a half dozen mass shootings since he became president and he got tired of paying for your freedom to shoot off thirty plus rounds a pop with the blood of the innocent and little children. I guess you don't understand that shit like that can change a person's mind on things. But then again all you really care about are your guns.

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