In my country we went from a no permit for shotguns situation to this law in just FIVE years:

"any implement capable of being used for offensice or defensive purposes is hereby regarded as a weapon and is prohibited". A ballistic vest has been treated as a prohibited weapon under the above law. Lawyers analyse whether bullet proof glass would be regarded as a prohibited defensive implement. There is academic discussion pondering the difference between "defense" and "protection".

There is no limit to gun control at "reasonable" levels. It has a built in "creep factor" and comes in a package that includes "discretionary" powers for officials and "administrative" functions which gradually burden the citizen.

The interesting thing in the US gun issue is that while there is talk of curtailing the right, no one seems to be considering emphasising the attendant duties of gun ownership, such as proper training, safe storage, etc. The single minded aim at "control" says a lot.