Wow, when I mentioned "I'd see if there is any interest" I wasn't expecting quite what happened. smile

For now I think I'll withdraw it. Some folks have asked via PMs about certain parts so I may go that route or try selling it elsewhere.

Please feel free to continue any discussion on the legal aspects of transferring it. I do find it interesting. My own reason for wanting an FFL holder is that both receivers and firearms are mentioned in ATF ruling 85-10, which discusses importation of military C&R firearms. It states that a receiver is not a C&R item while an original firearm can be. For this reason, and what I am attempting to sell more closely resembles a receiver than a firearm I go in that direction. I'm not saying that my interpetation is right or wrong, that's just the way I see it.

The remodelled Springfield is the best and most suitable all 'round rifle. - Seymour Griffin wink