Originally Posted By: old colonel

Regulations are already thick and while some appear silly to me many are not.

I do not believe we want mental cases to carry, I do not believe we want innocents killed. I do not believe we want armed guards at every school.

What change or improvement can be made in our current law that can make a difference?

1. Not one 'feel good' change in existing gun laws will make one bit of difference in the maniac violent mass killings.....thousands of gun laws have been passed since the Gun Control Act of 1968 with zero effect on the crime rate, as proven by stacks and stacks of data.......crime rises continually........Chicago followed by NYC have the strictest firearm laws in the land, and with it they have the highest firearm crime rate.......DO THESE FIREARMS LAWS WORK...THE STATISTICS ALL SAY NO.....not even close.......

2. You can go to any large metro city in this country and see gangs armed to the teeth with illegal firearms having missing serial numbers, owned by convicted felons.......do these people obey the law.....?......Do criminals buy firearms at Randy's Handy Dandy Gun Shop and fill out the paperwork....?........Mental cases steal bull dozers, airplanes and tanks and commit violent crimes with repetition, same M.O..........

3. As long as we allow politicians to pass more legislation, not having any real first hand knowledge whatsoever about firearms, the legislation will be totally ineffective and useless until the real problem is addressed, starting with mental and drug issues...............All the firearm laws passed since 1968 are useless and have had no effect on crime......look at all the statistics, study them, the politicians won't, the liberals won't...........

4. The public always over reacts to every sensationalized news article..........the problems are people problems, not TOOL PROBLEMS.........address the problem if you want results on any issue........STOP PROGRAMMING YOUTH WITH VIOLENT DVD'S that de-humanize killing, glamorize death, stop handing out drugs like candy to everybody from womb to tomb..........Why do you think all these nut-balls dress in black and use black guns....because that is what THE TRAINING VIDEO'S TEACH THEM TO WEAR AND WHAT WEAPON TO USE AND HOW TO MASS KILL..........

So every new nut-ball wants to out-do the last maniac nut ball......

This is exactly how the nut-ball maniac in Norway bombed and shot and killed 77 people and wounded 209.....a country with very strict gun laws.....did the gun laws in Norway prevent this maniac from shooting summer students on the island and people in Oslo and killing more with bombs made from fertilizer components in Oslo as well.........This maniac, after incarceration, recounted to authorities how he trained using violent military style attack DVD's.....he used the exact weapon and dress that he observed and trained with in these videos.........so why aren't we restricting the manufacture and sale of these DVD's to young people.....?........

5. Take the fork away from Rosie O'Donnell and would she still be fat....?.....

6. As with any government, as mentioned here before, once you give them an inch, they take about 10 miles minimum.......REMEMBER THE SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL THAT INITIATED THE GUN CONTROL ACT OF 1968......DID ALL THOSE LAWS WORK......I DON'T THINK SO...........Hinkley came along later and shot President Reagan with his .22 revolver......then the politicians started in again, same rhetoric, same result, same piles of more paperwork and regulation with ZERO effect........BUT I'LL BET PRESIDENTIAL SECURITY WAS ENHANCED AND BECAME MORE EFFECTIVE..........as you can see, that is what was really needed in President Reagans case in the first place.........

7. Can you see the trend here.......?.......

8. The money and effort needs to be spent on the problem, violent DVD's/movies/websites which enforce maniac tendencies in already unstable mental cases and illegal/legal drug use by millions................ in the meantime the schools need to be armed......not "gun free target zones" for these "in training nut-balls".........

9. Today's world my friend is not what it used to be....Security must be a major priority in malls, schools, theaters and all public gathering places.....it's just a fact of the electronic world we live in today.......lot's of off center individuals programmed by what they see and watch on the virtual electronic toilets of our day......

We used to have very good censors for all programs.....I guess they went on vacation.......
