To simply say all previous attempts by the anti's are evil and have not worked is to guarantee we will eventually lose our rights if we do not ensure we do what is reasonable.

Let me venture a few ideas that may yield some ground

First improved computerized background check system which will include those mentally ill, prescribed, and otherwise challenged as sound purchasers of weapons. Yes I realize it will have many failures in that there are other sources of weapons, but some saved are better than none.

Second create better resources in our communities so the mentally ill have better options than they do today. Having witnessed a family near me deal with trying to get their daughter who was failing care was heart breaking. The lack of inpatient care resources left them with incarceration as an only option. The liberal do gooders who destroyed the old system failed to create anything to realistically replace it. In my state the state legislature took the cost savings of closing the state mental health facilities, but never funded the replacement care.

Third lets take on the culture of Hollywood that hypocritically contributes and profits from amorality while supporting the theft of our rights.

Fourth lets sponsor a change in the Gun Free Zone signs to add the image of a lamb with a target sight imposed on it. This will help those who have insisted on exercising their legal property right to prohibit guns to include a full realization as to what they have created; a soft target rich environment.

It may be a great tactic to simply say no and attack the discussion, but the NRAs position that we need more guns is not sufficient

Last edited by old colonel; 01/07/13 11:02 AM.

Michael Dittamo
Topeka, KS