Doug, your co-pilot's competence counts for more than his opinions, eh?

When my son was interviewed early in his professional career by the owner of a major corporation responsible for the aviation department, there was a hitch when the owner asked my son what salary he expected.

With the chief pilot looking on, my son gave his last salary and the owner said "You're only keeping the seat warm. There are lots of kids who would take it for nothing, for the experience."(It was a MU-2)

My son, a very low-key guy, said "Mr. -----, if something happens to the pilot on short final, the right seat has to be good and maybe a little better than good."

Within a year my son was chief pilot.

If our shooting sports are to hold their own, we'll have to educate over the widest possible front. No one learns from insults and shouts. You do neither; it's only what needs repeating here.

Last edited by King Brown; 01/08/13 12:13 PM.