Originally Posted By: Mike Bailey
Unfortunately Run with the Fox you will not be allowed to take your model 12 to shoot driven pheasant in the UK as I found out recently. You can shoot vermin with it, rabbit, pigeon etc but not game since it has a magazine capacity of more than 2 shots (it might be 3), Thus I canīt take my newly aquired 1948 Model 12 to England to shoot pheasant unless it is welded up (no plugs allowed). Who thought up that regulation ????????? best in a mad world, Mike
Thanks for that insight Mike- I didn't know that, but as the chances of that invite coming my way from Lord Farley (known as Chuck to his immediate circle of friends perhaps?)--are about the same as our Legion Post inviting either Hillary Clinton or Hanoi Jane Fonda to be our guest speaker at the Memorial Day event--For waterfowling, here you are right- a removeable (but not without diss-assembly) 3 shot plug- 2 in the magazine and one in the chamber for that total for Migratory bird hunting is the law of the land- since about 1935. I shudder to think how "welding up" a permanent plug into the rather thin walled steel tube for a Model 12 magazine- would not make it "egg-shaped" and so "out of round" as to prevent proper fucntion of the forearm operating rod group- Alas- But, amigo mio en Espana-- consider this we still have 'slob hunters" who by-pass that 3 shot ruling, skybust, etc- not exactly apples to apples re the current anti-semi-automatic rifle ownership situation here in the States- BUT-- to my mind anyway, there is a co-relation here- restricting or attempts to do so by that 1935 Act signed by FDR didn't stop all the slob-ism in waterfowl hunting- how does restricting magazine capacity purport to do that with "assault" rifles- most of the scumbag sociopaths that do their heinous acts are targeting unarmed and defenseless folks and kids- they have all the time they want to re-hang a new fresh magazine, before they later "off" themselves before the SWAT team can do that final act..

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..