"There is no parallell between flying the line with a major carrier and dealing with Liberal Socialist Politicians who wish to "dictate gun control" over the present and future sporting population of this great nation......

You are mixing reality with direction my friend.......the task at hand requires "no middle ground" if we wish to maintain our gun rights as they stand at present......

The liberals on this board and elsewhere, "would give up some middle ground" as long as "their specific individual" gun rights are not effected......

The "true second amendment partisans" on this board and all over our great land, will not give up one second amendment right as originally ratified in 1791........this is where we differ......as others have said here, not debateable,......."

X2 Well said Doug,especially the "no middle ground" part. Not one inch,no gun, no magazine,no bullet ban nothing is on the table when dealing with the likes of Biden,Obama,Feinstein,Trumka (yes he is on the committee ),Holder and all the other progressive gun grabbers.

Hillary For Prison 2018