King, you must be one of the shy ones you spoke of, who only quietly works within their organization, because you still have not given us one specific verifiable thing which led to the demise of your gun registry that we can look upon and emulate.

I read your sage advice and shake my head in wonderment.

"Take every supporter willing to work with you."--- Please name one of the coalition of the willing that I have rejected.

"Don't look to politics or where one disagrees on other matters..."--- So what you're saying here is that King Brown can give political opinions, and disagree on non-gun matters... but Doug, or DaveK, or Jim, or myself, or others should not... because only you are qualified.

Since you have been utilizing your secret successful formula for decades, rational thinking persons must be wondering how the gun registry and other gun control measures in Canada ever took root in the first place. Are you like one of those pool sharks who lets a mark win now and then just so he can beat them handily at a later time?

I read your post in the other thread and replied that we needed you to intervene on our behalf to turn Biden back and make him see the light. Only you seem to have that kind of effective lobbying leadership, and we are falling flat according to you.

I call your formula "secret" because we still don't have one specific thing that you personally did to hang our hat on. Would you compare your stature in the Canadian anti-gun battle to that of Wayne Lapierre, John Lott, Charleton Heston, or just some lumberjack who once called a radio talk show? It sounds as if you may have been on the winning side of a protest over the location of a highway project, but even there, you don't show us anything any more effective that you yourself, though you "unblushingly ran that campaign", did more than any other opposition member who carried a sign or wrote an editorial. But I wasn't asking what you did to stop some highway interchange, was I? I was asking for specifics in the battle to rid Canada of the gun registry. As the old lady in the Wendy's commercials said, "Where's the Beef?"

Once again, you take Doug and I to task, but as I observed, you have never done that with the overt anti-gunners here. I have asked you why that was. Still nothing.

I'm not insulting and shouting, but I am having my doubts. Someone as literate and well read as you surely knows the meaning of "hoist by his own petard." Are you getting my drift?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.