I have no trouble getting your drift. You apparently completely misunderstand my messages. Reading with comprehension is integral to communicate, keith. I made no reference to you rejecting anyone or taken Doug or anyone else to task or all the other nonsense you attributed to me. What I have done at your request is describe how Canadians turned back the registry and offered opinions of what worked better than others.

Not one specific? One is not to use foul language slagging those who have different opinions from yours if you want to recruit warriors to our cause. Two, is to get the shooting sports fraternity on the same page. Three, is for those not comfortable in public combat to work through their various organizations to make Reason prevail. Four, use your neighbour's example where citizens convinced their government that registration was wrong, the result of an overzealous government and populace reacting to a massacre.

The overarching lesson of the Canadian experience---and we're the only country in the world to do what we did---is to diminish confrontation among those who want to win. Then over the barricades to victory. You're a long way from it from the evidence I'm reading here. You'll get there. The USA always gets it right over time.